Pu-er - The Miracle Tea That Heals Us From Everything

Pu-er - The Miracle Tea That Heals Us From Everything
Pu-er - The Miracle Tea That Heals Us From Everything

Tea rivals coffee as the most popular beverage in the world, but it can be said that it is more ancient according to the time when it came into use. Black, green, weak, strong - tea has countless varieties and lovers.

Not very popular and not so well known, but it is extremely valuable tea called Pu-er, which takes us to his homeland - Tibet.

Pu-erh is unoxidized green tea of large-leaved varieties, which is subjected to secondary fermentation. An interesting detail about it is that the fermentation processes and those of oxidation under the influence of enzymes contained in the leaves did not take place immediately, and the leaves fermented during storage or under the influence of specially created conditions that accelerate the process.

There are two ways to production of Pu-er. In one of the technologies, the tea leaves are dried and under the influence of the conditions in the warehouses it matures, gaining its characteristic dark color. Then it is pressed in the form of small bricks. This method is the old one for making this type of tea and each brick is for a one-time preparation of tea, which is drunk until the end of the day on which it is prepared.

In the second technology, the leaves are made into compost, piled up while they are wet, in piles, which leads to faster fermentation, and then dried and dried. In both methods, the face is secondary fermentation, giving a unique appearance. and tea action. The production lasts about 1 year, and its shelf life is up to 30 years, and what we say about wine applies to it - the more it matures, the better it becomes.

This type of tea is famous for a lot useful for health and an easy way to lose weight. They call it medical tea and a miracle tonic. These names are derived from its diverse chemical composition, which includes almost all essential vitamins - A, B, C, E and P. Iron, potassium and fluorine, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium complete the list of minerals, and amino acids and organic acids, as well as polyphenols, tannins and plant proteins give the picture of an infinitely useful plant.

Pu-erh tea
Pu-erh tea

It is no coincidence that it has such a beneficial effect on reducing excess weight. They use Pu-er as a detox means for cleansing the body. It burns fat and enhances metabolic processes.

Pu-erh tea is a prophylactic against bad breath. It also promotes good sleep and reduces stress in the body. Its tonic effect makes it a good substitute for morning coffee. In his homeland - China, it is also used as a remedy for hangovers.

Pu-erh reduces the risk of diabetes and regulates bad cholesterol. Supports the blood circulation process and supports the heart. It protects the body from cancer and is a barrier against heart disease. Its antimicrobial properties are also not to be underestimated. It is no coincidence that this one Pu-erh tea is a valued and expensive raw material.
