Do You Know This Fruit - It Heals Everything

Do You Know This Fruit - It Heals Everything
Do You Know This Fruit - It Heals Everything

The bitter melon, also known as Momordica, is an exotic perennial plant resembling a zucchini. It is distributed in Southeast Asia, India, China, South America, where it has been used as a food product for years.

For this purpose, the immature fruits of the plant are used, characterized by a specific bitter taste. They can be fried, stewed or baked. They are successfully used in soups, salads or other dishes, combining well with meat or vegetables.

Apart from culinary purposes, however, bitter melon can be used as a natural remedy against a number of diseases.

Thanks to ritterpenes, proteins, steroids and other substances in its composition, it is a real natural pharmacy, helping even in extremely serious health conditions.

Bitter melon is one of the proven means of purifying the blood of toxins. It has been used for hepatitis, fever, even AIDS, liver problems, leprosy, gout, low immunity.

It is also used in diabetes, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, psoriasis and various rashes. It has a proven effect as an aphrodisiac. It is also believed to have a beneficial effect on menstrual disorders, cancer, high cholesterol, overweight, eye and bone problems.

Bitter melon is also a great tonic that boosts immunity and tones the whole body.
