Facts About The Mango

Facts About The Mango
Facts About The Mango

Like any fruit, mango is not only delicious, but also very useful. Although we do not use it much, we still have the opportunity to evaluate its qualities.

Mango is considered the king of fruits around the world and this is no accident. It is associated with many interesting legends, stories and interesting facts. The homeland of the mango is eastern India, Burma and the Andaman Islands.

The name mango comes from the Tamil word mangkay or man-gay. When Portuguese merchants settled in the West Indies, they changed the name of the fruit to manga.

The mango tree plays a sacred role in India. It is a symbol of love and some believe that the mango tree has the ability to fulfill desires.

More than twenty million tons of mangoes are grown in the tropics and subtropics. India is the largest producer of this fruit.

The leaves of the mango tree are considered poisonous and can be deadly to animals. It is not recommended to be used for lighting fires, because the poisonous vapors irritate the eyes and lungs.


Many Asian kings and dignitaries had their own mango plantations, as they were considered a sign of high social status. From there came the tradition to presents mango fruit.

It is customary to scatter the mango leaves during a wedding in order to wish the bride and groom a fruitful marriage.

When a boy is born in the family, it is considered a holiday and the mango leaves are present again, but then they are hung around the door of the house and inside it.

The content of vitamin C in green mango is higher than in ripe. The amount of beta-carotene increases in the ripe fruit.

Botanical relatives of the mango are cashews, peanuts, Jamaican plum and poison sumac. Hindus can rub their teeth with mango twigs on days that are considered sacred.
