Food Allergies Are Dangerous To Health

Food Allergies Are Dangerous To Health
Food Allergies Are Dangerous To Health

You may have an allergy after eating a certain food. Or you have witnessed rashes received from your friends or relatives.

Food allergy is a reaction of the immune system after consuming a certain food and especially some of its ingredients.

Food intolerance is a less serious condition that does not engage the immune system, but also causes unpleasant experiences.

Most often, people get food allergies in the summer, when food spoils quickly due to the heat. It is possible and a very small amount of food does not provoke allergies, which are most often characterized by airway edema, urticaria. The most common causes are toxic, microbiological or pharmacological substances in food.


The reaction due to a food allergy may even be life-threatening. This condition is called anaphylaxis.

Experts estimate that in 90 percent of cases, food allergies are caused by the following foods: milk, nuts, soy, wheat, eggs, fish and marine crustaceans.

Proteins are the substances that most often cause food allergies. Heat treatment of allergenic foods changes the shape of protein molecules and thus reduces or even eliminates their ability to cause allergic reactions.

By processing at high temperatures, milk, eggs and some types of fish reduce their allergenic power.
