Collagen - Interesting Facts

Collagen - Interesting Facts
Collagen - Interesting Facts

The word collagen comes from the Greek language and literally translated means Production of glue. Collagen is a hard, fibrous and insoluble protein.

Collagen is a major structural protein of connective tissue in the human body. It is a major component in joints, tendons, cartilage, muscles, skin.

Collagen occurs throughout our body. It holds the whole human body together, forming a scaffold. In the human body they occur around 16 varieties of collagen.

Collagen is made up of amino acids that intertwine to form a triple helix of elongated fibrils.

Collagen makes the skin healthy and elastic. It has been proven that with age, the human body begins to produce less collagen. Also unhealthy lifestyle - such as prolonged sun exposure, consumption of too much sugar, smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep reduce collagen production. It is the reduction in the amount of collagen in the body that causes wrinkles.

Collagen - what we need to know
Collagen - what we need to know

Thanks to it, dead skin cells are restored.

It depends on collagen and the condition of our nails, hair and teeth.

In the absence or reduced amounts of collagen, people experience pain and stiffness in the joints and bones. The structure of collagen is gel-like. This allows people to move without experiencing difficulty and pain.

Accelerates metabolism by converting essential nutrients.

Collagen also improves the condition of liver and heart.

Large amounts of collagen in the body protect us from Alzheimer's, heart attack, osteoporosis and others.

Leafy vegetables provide us with collagen
Leafy vegetables provide us with collagen

Photo: Iliana Parvanova

Collagen can also be obtained through food. This happens when we consume more:

- Dark green vegetables - such as spinach, cabbage, dock and others. They are all rich in calcium;

- Rich in vitamin C fruits and vegetables - these are lemons, oranges, broccoli, kiwi, peppers and more.

It is essential that the amount of collagen in the body to be normal. When it is normal, it helps us fight many health problems. Its deficiency causes serious health problems.
