Why Are Canned Tuna Harmful?

Why Are Canned Tuna Harmful?
Why Are Canned Tuna Harmful?

Consumption of fish and fish products has many benefits for human health. However, it turns out that canned ones are deprived of many useful nutrients, which contributes to the harm of their intake.

Tuna is very rich in protein, omega-3 acids, iodine, iron and B vitamins. However, in cases of excessive intake, especially from risk groups - pregnancy and childhood, great care must be taken.

Proven canned tuna are very rich in protein, with only one package supplying 50% of daily needs. But it is very important to be careful with frequent eating of tuna.

Also preserved in this way, the fish product is poorer in omega-3 fatty acids than fresh fish. We know that the presence of fish delicacies in the menu is important for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for maintaining healthy skin and hair.

Another disadvantage of consuming canned tuna is the presence of a lot of sodium (salt). Of course, sodium in certain values is necessary for human health, but its excess leads to serious health disorders. Such are fluid retention] in the body, and hence lead to an increase in blood pressure. For this reason, people with high blood pressure should limit their intake of canned fish.


And if you are still tempted to buy at least one, then first read carefully the contents for the presence of sodium, mercury, sugar and others.

Mercury is something that pregnant women and children need to be very careful about. If taken in large doses, it becomes toxic and very dangerous to humans.

Canned tuna contains high amounts of methylmercury, which is a dangerous neurotoxin that accumulates in individual organs and tissues (brain, kidneys and others). Symptoms of mercury poisoning are a tingling sensation in various parts of the body, tremor, difficulty walking, vision problems, memory. The danger is very great for the unborn child, even in the woman's womb.

IN canned tuna also contains the compound Bisphenol A, or more precisely in the package. The danger comes from the fact that it passes into the composition of the fish. It has a negative effect on the brain and is very dangerous during pregnancy and in young children.
