The Glycemic Index Is The Difference Between White And Brown Spaghetti

The Glycemic Index Is The Difference Between White And Brown Spaghetti
The Glycemic Index Is The Difference Between White And Brown Spaghetti

Modern man is increasingly turning to nature and developing an instinct to seek health. Pasta lovers have probably noticed that brown spaghetti has been available for some time now. However, few are aware of the significant differences between them.

In essence, all pasta, pastes and spaghetti are made from a special type of durum wheat. It has properties different from those of wheat used in the manufacture of bakery products.

The main difference between these types of wheat is that the one used to make pastes has a low glycemic index. The glycemic index is the time during which most of the starch is converted to glucose during digestion. Thus, the lower this index in a food product, the more filling and useful it is.

Spaghetti, pasta and all pasta (except noodles) are made from durum wheat. This means that they all have a low glycemic index. Noodles can be considered as pasta.

On the other side are the brown pasta. They can be very different from whites, but also very similar to them. It all depends on how they are produced and colored. For example, if their brown color is a consequence of toasting, then their glycemic index increases. This makes them much slower to digest than whites and, respectively, less useful.

In other cases, however, if their color is obtained as a result of the addition of certain types of vegetables, their properties do not differ from uncolored pasta and spaghetti.

Wholemeal brown spaghetti is also available on the market. They are richer in dietary fiber than those with white. This further reduces the glycemic index of the products.


They are also more useful for the proper functioning of intestinal motility. Proven to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease and colon cancer. Whole grain brown spaghetti appears to be the healthiest available to date.
