The Fourth Honey Festival Was Held In The Village Of Yardzhilovtsi

The Fourth Honey Festival Was Held In The Village Of Yardzhilovtsi
The Fourth Honey Festival Was Held In The Village Of Yardzhilovtsi

Honey Festival took place for the fourth consecutive year in the Pernik village of Yardzhilovtsi. The event was part of the celebrations on the occasion of the 451st anniversary of the settlement.

Before the honey festival started, the exhibition Women of Yardzhilovtsi Can was organized. In it, talented local cooks arranged their works in the community center Hristo Botev-1940. Once again, dozens of villagers were happy to show their skills and impress the guests of the exhibition with various delicacies.

Dishes typical for this region and dishes for the feast of the Mother of God were shown and tasted. The table, which the hosts had diligently arranged, consisted of desserts, holiday cakes, various pies and more. Along with this you could see interesting knits, tapestries, jewelry and paintings.

The honey festival was an emblematic part of the celebrations on the occasion of the 451st anniversary of the establishment of the village of Yardzhilovtsi. Thirty honey products were shown by visiting and local producers.


Beekeeping is a traditional livelihood in the village of Yardzhilovtsi. There are seven hundred bee families in the village, managed by twenty beekeepers. They even kept company. Yardzhilov honey is extracted mainly from herbs, and local beekeepers insist that their yield is among the highest in this area.

Apart from the good honey, the festival surprised its guests with a solemn program. Talented kids from a folklore group at the community center took care of the good mood of the audience, which washed away the audience with songs and dances typical of Yardzhilovtsi.

A special guest of the honey festival was the mayor of the village, who welcomed all the villagers. The manager Grigor Hristov shared his satisfaction with the fact that Yardzhilovtsi is increasingly proving to be a beekeeping settlement.

The mayor made it clear that the honey festival will continue to be held in the future, and in the future it will be on an ever-increasing scale.

During the celebration of Yardzhilovtsi prizes were awarded to both the beekeepers and all public figures and community center activists who have contributed to the spiritual uplift of the village.
