Raspberry Festival Is Held In Loznitsa

Raspberry Festival Is Held In Loznitsa
Raspberry Festival Is Held In Loznitsa

In the raspberry season we can not miss the many benefits that bring these small fruits. In addition to eating, they can be used for teas and decoctions.

Raspberries have powerful antioxidant properties. In addition to their fruits, their leaves are also usable. Teas and decoctions are made from them.

Today is the start of the Raspberry Festival and the national exhibition, which will take place today and tomorrow in the town of Loznitsa. Raspberry growers are adamant that their products are proven useful both in dietary food and in strengthening the body and overcoming stress.

This year, for the first time, there is an increased interest in demand for raspberry leaves. They are used in dried form or included in various drugstore products. Concentrate of raspberries, purees, compotes and jam from delicious fruits - they all have a very good beneficial effect on the whole body. Also useful are modern raspberry smoothies, shakes with various additives, cakes with raspberries and various jams.

As every year, this year, at the festival, producers will show their local achievements of traditional home-made dishes, jams, marmalades and freshly prepared natural juices and punches of berries.

Raspberry festival is held in Loznitsa
Raspberry festival is held in Loznitsa

The Bulgarian has proved that he loves raspberries, although the domestic market as a consumer is not a big factor in production. The reason lies in the fact that raspberries are found in almost every garden in the country. Bulgaria is the third country in raspberry production in Europe. 80% of the production goes for export.

The traditional national exhibition of raspberry and berry growers and the annual Raspberry Festival open today. During the two days new raspberry plantations, a plant for processing and cutting of honey from raspberries and a plant for freezing and processing of fresh raspberries will be visited.

The event will also feature a visual multimedia and practical demonstration of technical and scientific achievements in the field of raspberry production. Guests will also enjoy a rich folklore program.
