Does Brandy Raise Or Lower Blood Pressure?

Does Brandy Raise Or Lower Blood Pressure?
Does Brandy Raise Or Lower Blood Pressure?

When drinking brandy the body reacts differently depending on how much is consumed. In small quantities, brandy has a dilating effect on blood vessels and this is expressed in lowering blood pressure.

This is good for people with high blood pressure, as long as they limit drinking brandy to one or two small ones. But the moment the dose gets higher, the blood pressure jumps and a person may even get a sensation of tinnitus.

The biologically active substances contained in brandy have a dilating effect on blood vessels when you do not overdo it with this strong alcohol.

Apricot brandy
Apricot brandy

As soon as the biologically active substances of brandy penetrate the human body, they immediately act on the circulatory system.

In larger quantities brandy blood pressure levels can rise sharply.

Consumption of about 50 to 100 grams brandy per day does not lead to a sharp rise in pressure. This can only happen if you drink more than 100 grams, and a constant change in blood pressure can occur only with regular excess of this alcohol.

Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure

Brandy raises blood pressure faster than people over 55. However, this has nothing to do with gender or weight, only age is important for the tendency to increase blood pressure faster.

If a person who has been overdosing on brandy for a long time and as a result his blood pressure has risen, refuses brandy, four weeks of complete abstinence provide him with normalization of blood pressure. Of course, then you should not consume more than a hundred grams, so as not to lead to a change in blood pressure again.

People who regularly abuse brandy get changes in blood vessels, which lead not only to high blood pressure, but also to disorders of the blood supply to the heart and brain.

Regular abuse of brandy leads to an increased risk of heart attack or stroke due to high blood pressure.
