Potatoes Lower Blood Pressure

Potatoes Lower Blood Pressure
Potatoes Lower Blood Pressure

Potatoes are rich in vitamins B3 and C. The largest amount of potatoes in the composition are the minerals iron and phosphorus.

It is absolutely contraindicated to eat potatoes raw or semi-raw. This is necessary because of the pyritrine contained in them.

They can cause nausea, fever, vomiting, and with systemic consumption - erosion of the gastric mucosa, gastritis, ulcers and even stomach cancer.

Recently, a study by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, found that potatoes help against high blood pressure.

They studied "red" potatoes in particular, but believe that ordinary potatoes can have a similar beneficial effect.

"Potatoes have an undeservedly bad reputation as culprits for being overweight, and most health-conscious people exclude them from their diet. But the truth is that when cooked without fat, potatoes contain only 110 calories and many useful phytochemicals and vitamins," says Joe. Vinson from the research team.

Potatoes lower blood pressure
Potatoes lower blood pressure

Participants were served 6-8 "red" potatoes twice a day for a month, cooked unpeeled in the microwave. After a month, the tests showed an average drop of 3.5 percent in systolic blood pressure (upper limit) and 4.5 percent in diastolic blood pressure (lower limit).

Fresh potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. That's exactly how you can store cooked potatoes in the refrigerator.

Most often after this period they change their taste. It is important to remember that you should not store potatoes and spicy foods such as onions, garlic and hot peppers in the same drawer in the refrigerator.
