Table And Customs Of St. Nicholas Day

Table And Customs Of St. Nicholas Day
Table And Customs Of St. Nicholas Day

On December 6 the orthodox church honors the memory of Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker of Myra, who is said to have saved many sailors from death with his maritime miracles.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors St. Nicholas as the patron saint of fishermen and sailors, because he is considered to be the master of the sea.

According to folk beliefs, the saint causes sea storms and hurricanes. When he is angry, he gives vent to the winds, shakes the sea and sinks ships.

Traditionally on St. Nicholas Day at every table there must be a fish, which is most often a carp, as it is believed that the carp is a "servant" of St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas Day
St. Nicholas - St. Nicholas Day

One legend says that once, when the saint was traveling with his companions in a boat, strong sea waves pierced the bottom of the vessel. Nikolai pulled a carp out of the sea, plugged the hole in the boat, and saved all the passengers from drowning.

Most often on St. Nicholas Day the carp is stuffed with rice, bulgur, walnuts, onions and raisins, wrap and bake in batter. The festive dish stuffed with carp in dough prepared in this way is known as a fishpond.

When cleaning the fish, women must be careful that its scales do not fall to the ground, because it is believed that the man who steps on them will die.

The folk tradition of St. Nicholas Day orders the ritual fishpond and the loaves are consecrated in a church, and pieces of them are distributed to the neighbors.

Most of the fishpond and breads must be eaten at the family dinner.

The St. Nicholas table is not raised throughout the day and is available to guests.

According to the custom, the housewives keep the bone from the carp's head, which has the shape of a cross.

This bone - "crumb" or "bottom", is considered unusually healing. Mothers sew it on the hats of their newborn children to protect them from evil eyes and lessons.

St. Nicholas carp
St. Nicholas carp

The St. Nicholas ritual it is also connected with the Christmas and Survakar customs.

So in the Strandzha region, for example, after St. Nicholas Day all the boys who will be caroling go together to the home of their "stanenik" and solemnly invite him to take on the ritual role of leader of the carol company.
