What Are The Favorite Spices In Thai Cuisine

What Are The Favorite Spices In Thai Cuisine
What Are The Favorite Spices In Thai Cuisine

Increasingly popular around the world, Thai cuisine at first glance looks strange and exotic. And not only because of the stewed monkey brains, fried cockroaches or breaded rat ribs offered on the semi-legal markets… Not that they are not tasty, but knowing what they are made of… It is unusual for us and because of the strong spices they use boldly, but with perfection and tact to each dish.

The main thing in this exotic cuisine is the use of various spices. Its other distinguishing feature is that everything is cooked with fresh products. This makes it one of the healthiest in the world. And third, Thais enjoy eating as a supreme act of pleasure, so for them the shared table is a gift, not a burden.

Making a dish can take hours. But the pleasure could hardly be described afterwards.

Thai cooking art can actually be divided into four regional styles - northern, northeastern, central and southern. However, they are all united by the idea of a balance between the five main flavors - hot, sour, salty, sweet and bitter. Still, the spices are the basis. And they are quite close to the taste of the Bulgarian.

- basil - its varieties in Thailand are called horapha, caprahao or maenglak;

- chili / hot peppers - Thais claim that their peppers are the hottest;

- caramel - it is extracted from the island of Moluca and is as expensive as saffron;

- coriander - unlike us, Bulgarians in Thailand use not only the leaves but also its roots;

- cumin - Thais add it to curry;

- Ginger - eat it planed on a salad and with a lot of vinegar, use it to prepare various types of marinades. Its variety is galangal, which has a slightly sour taste and is used to flavor chicken or fish soups.

- Lemongrass - something like a faint resemblance to the leaves of fresh garlic. The young stalks are eaten raw, and the old ones are used for spices in almost all kinds of dishes. The main ingredient of the famous tom yam soup;

- green lemon - it has virtually no juice and its flesh is used to emphasize the taste of various spicy or spicy sauces and salads;

- Green lemon leaves - they are fleshy and even more fragrant than the lemon itself. They are cut into small pieces and added to salads, soups or sauces;

- Garlic - perhaps the most popular spice in Thailand, which is used in almost every dish.
