Diet For Working Women

Diet For Working Women
Diet For Working Women

Are you one of those women who work non-stop? You are constantly busy with either business or personal commitments. When it comes to work, you are terribly organized. However, not by leaning on food. You usually skip breakfast in the morning and grab a few quick coffee cookies.

Your daily routine is such that you eat on foot or while working. So you don't pay attention to what exactly and how much you swallow.

In the evening, however, you catch up and even overeat. The best strategy for you is to reduce the amount of food at dinner. This way you will sleep better and get rid of extra pounds. Light salads without dressing, but with a little meat will do you good.

The rest of the time, replace salty biscuits, pastries and the like with raw nuts, fruits in the morning and vegetables the rest of the time. Don't miss the proteins - meat, fish, milk and eggs must be present in your menu.

Here is a sample menu:


- 30 grams of peeled and toasted unsalted sunflower seeds, about 50 grams of muesli with more oatmeal and without sugar with 150 ml. skimmed milk. Or:

- Shake of 1 mango, 2 kiwis and a glass of milk, add a small wholemeal croissant without filling.

- 2 eggs, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or tangerine juice, 1 small slice of rye bread.

- 2 cereal cookies (rice or corn) with a bowl of low-fat yogurt, a small green apple.

- Pancakes with oatmeal, garnished with low-fat cheese or fruit of your choice plus a glass of skim milk.

Diet for working women
Diet for working women


- 150 grams of grilled fish, garnished with about 150-200 grams of stewed vegetables of your choice, without rice and potatoes. Or:

- Roast chicken steak (about 120 grams) with lettuce without dressing.

- 150 grams of pork chops with honey-bitter sauce, salad of choice, but with a little sauce.

- Turkey meat (about 130 grams), prepared to your taste and garnished with some baked potatoes and fresh vegetables.

- 150 grams of beef with mushrooms and Shopska salad.


- Green salad with tuna, but without sauce. Or:

- Caesar salad with chicken.

- Broccoli salad.

- Vitamin salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, peas and 2 eggs.

- Sprout salad.
