Make An Amazing Decoration Of Edible Flowers

Make An Amazing Decoration Of Edible Flowers
Make An Amazing Decoration Of Edible Flowers

There is a great abundance of flowers in nature. They are not only beautiful and fragrant, but some of the species are also edible. Everyone knows that roses not only have a strong aroma, but are also delicious. The petals of their flowers are eaten. They can be used to decorate cakes, pastries, jams, creams and more.

If added to the preparation of poultry, pheasant or quail, the taste becomes even richer and richer.

Marigold is no less delicious. Its leaves are edible. They taste spicy and are used as a cheap version of expensive saffron. If added to a rice dish, it will turn orange.

Another edible plant is the sunflower. We eat its seeds and leaves. Like marigold, it can replace saffron. Stewed in butter, young sunflower buds taste like baked apples.

Edible flowers
Edible flowers

Next in edibleness is the violet. These beautiful flowers are very delicate with their aroma. Both forest and garden violets are edible. They are used to decorate cakes, pastries, desserts and drinks. If they are candied, they become a great decoration for wedding cakes.

Here's how to make candied flowers for decoration. Beautiful violets are chosen. Beat one egg white in a bowl. In a shallow dish pour sugar crystals. Using a brush, lightly smear the inside of the flower with protein, and then the outside. Carefully sprinkle with granulated sugar to stick.

Work carefully because the flower is delicate. Grasp the handle and tap lightly to drop the excess sugar. Place on paper to dry. You need a lot of patience to get it. After 2-3 days they are ready for use.

Candied violets
Candied violets

Edible flowers are beautiful, but can also be dangerous. Do not eat flowers from flower shops, they are treated with chemicals and are dangerous to your health. Decorate only with those flowers that you know can't harm you.
