The Relationship Between Diet And Fertility

The Relationship Between Diet And Fertility
The Relationship Between Diet And Fertility

Some consider oysters to be the best aphrodisiac, while others praise eggplant when trying to conceive. The grandmothers order more eggs and meat to be eaten.

The relationship between what we eat and our ability to reproduce is the subject of folklore, religious and medical observations.

But really food makes us fruitful? What does science say about this?

For many couples, this is a very important issue.

About one in five couples have problems conceiving. The reasons for this and many such problems can affect both men and women. The most common reason for female infertility are ovulation problems. In men, this is poor quality semen.

There are many lifestyle factors that can affect fertility, such as the age at which you are trying to start a family, diet, weight, exercise and stress level. You can't change your age or your genes, but you can do something about the risk factors under your control - diet, smoking, alcohol consumption.

The role of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet increases fertility
The Mediterranean diet increases fertility

Mediterranean-style diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats are not only associated with a lower risk for most diseases - obesity, heart disease or cancer - they can also help. improving fertility.

A study shows that men who eat a Mediterranean diet high in fruits and vegetables have better sperm levels than those who eat high-processed processed meats, french fries, pizza and snacks.

Fertility proteins
Fertility proteins

Protein and fertility

But it's not just men who need a diet. Replacing animal proteins such as chicken, red and processed meats with high-protein plants - peas, beans, lentils, tofu and nuts - can help improving a woman's fertility. It has been found that the risk of infertility is 50% higher in those who eat the most animal protein.

A healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep, can help improving fertility in men and women. However, it may take too long. Our advice is to consult a reproductive specialist. He will be able to recommend the best treatment for you based on your age, medical history and other factors.
