Why Should We Eat More Fruits With Potassium In The Summer

Why Should We Eat More Fruits With Potassium In The Summer
Why Should We Eat More Fruits With Potassium In The Summer

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In the heat of summer, not all of us have an appetite for filling meals, because it is hot outside and we eat something light. However, you should not neglect the importance of a healthy diet, which must include lots of fruits and vegetables.

It is the diverse menu during the summer months plays a fundamental role in your self-esteem, given that in winter the abundance of fruit will not be so great.

Nina Zaitseva is the head of the State Inspectorate in Moscow for quality control of all agricultural products. She recommends you we eat more peaches and bananas during the summer monthsas it will be so easy to be normalizes the level of potassium in the body.

It is of fundamental importance for the cardiovascular system. At the same time, it is very important for athletes, because it is potassium that helps maintain muscle tone. Potassium helps maintain the normal acid balance in our body and also in combination with calcium it takes care of the strengthening of the bone system.

Health benefits of potassium:

- improves the work of the heart muscle;

- lowers blood pressure;

- protects the kidneys;

- prevention of brain diseases;

- maintains the health of the skeletal system and muscles;

- helps prevent diabetes;

It is in the summer that our body can have the strongest potassium deficiency. This is due to profuse sweating when the weather is hot.

Consuming fruits that are rich in potassium, you can compensate for this lack and take care of your excellent health.

In addition to peaches and bananas, potassium is found in high amounts in apricots, pineapples and blackcurrants.

If you do not get enough potassium during the summer months, when you sweat a lot, then you can get a health condition called hypokalaemia. Its symptoms are heart disorders, muscle weakness, fatigue, and this is associated with potassium deficiency in the body.

If you want to get a shock dose of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, then you can just make a delicious and very useful fruit salad with these fruits. In this way, your body will receive the whole complex of various macro- and microelements that are so important for our health.
