How To Eat During The Easter Fast

How To Eat During The Easter Fast
How To Eat During The Easter Fast

They started Easter fastswhich are the longest fasts of the year. They end on May 4, and Easter falls the next day.

According to medicine, fasting days are really a time of physical unloading, because during this time the body is cleansed of accumulated toxins. This is healthy for people, as well as the pursuit of a calmer life and achieving harmony in relationships.


Use a moderate diet that will not harm your body from the necessary substances. Satisfy your nutritional needs by not adhering to strict fasting and limiting meat and meat products. At the same time, this is very close to a precautionary diet for overweight and cardiovascular problems.

Alcohol consumption in Lent is only allowed on weekends. Wine and beer are allowed. Small amounts of wine contain beneficial antioxidants, and beer is rich in B vitamins.


The following are also allowed during the post:

Pasta without eggs and bread (only lean bread), porridge without cheese.

Nuts and dried fruits
Nuts and dried fruits

Olive oil, olives, oil and vegetable-based margarines, the latter of which, however, are not good food for your health.

Legumes and soy products. The legumes are: beans, peas, lentils, rice.

Fresh and dried, canned vegetables and fruits.

Honey, sugar, jam and various marmalades.

Lean pickles and sweets.

Coffee, tea, boza and soft drinks.

Halva and peanut butter, peanut and sesame tahini.

You can get the necessary protein from legumes, nuts and seeds. Provide the vitamins that are in your meat through careful use of vitamin B12. Iron through vitamin C, as well as from peas, cauliflower, peppers, cabbage, nettles, beets, onions and sorrel, citrus fruits and apples.

Calcium substitutes, which the body does not receive due to the lack of milk and its products are wholemeal bread, nettles, legumes, nuts, spinach and dried fruits.
