Three Exotic Recipes From Korean Cuisine

Three Exotic Recipes From Korean Cuisine
Three Exotic Recipes From Korean Cuisine

Although Japanese and Chinese cuisine are preferred to that of other Asian countries, Korean cuisine is also gaining in popularity. Emphasizing products and spices such as sesame, soy, garlic, onions and hot peppers, it skillfully combines all flavors and is suitable for every taste. That's why we suggest you try 3 of the most interesting and at the same time traditional Korean recipes:

Samjang sauce

Necessary products: 4 tablespoons Asian soybean paste, 2 tablespoons Asian hot sauce, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, a handful of roasted sesame seeds, 3 tablespoons myrin or rice vinegar, 1 stalk green onions.

Method of preparation: Cut the green onions as finely as possible and mix with all other products to obtain a homogeneous sauce.


Necessary products: 300 g ground beef, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, canned marinated tanmuji radish, 1 lettuce, 1 packet of nori leaves, 2 eggs, 350 g short-grain rice, 8 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, fat, black pepper and salt.


Method of preparation: Wash the rice and let it drain for 1 hour. Boil it in 420 ml of water for 15 minutes on low heat and keep it for another 10 minutes under the lid of a switched off stove. Fry the minced meat seasoned with salt and pepper. Mix the eggs together with a little salt and sugar and make 2 thin omelets from them, roll them up and cut them lengthwise.

Cut the cucumber, carrot and lettuce into long thin strips. When the rice is ready, season it with a mixture of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 pinches of salt. Using a bamboo mat, pour a little rice over the seaweed, place all the vegetables, eggs and meat in the middle and roll in the same way as sushi.

Fried pork with lettuce

Necessary products: 600 g sliced pork boneless meat, 1 lettuce or 1/2 Chinese cabbage, 1 onion, 2 peeled pears without seeds, 4 cloves garlic, 2 tablespoons Asian hot sauce, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, a small piece of ginger, a handful of roasted sesame seeds.

Asian salad
Asian salad

Method of preparation: Make a marinade of all products without meat, lettuce and sesame seeds by cutting them into small pieces and mashing them. Let the meat marinate for a few hours. When ready, bake it on a ribbed pan until ready on both sides.

Divide the lettuce or Chinese cabbage into leaves and put a spoonful of meat and a pinch of sesame seeds in each leaf. If you want to eat it like real Koreans, you can roll the meat stuffing in a leaf.
