How To Make Garlic Powder

How To Make Garlic Powder
How To Make Garlic Powder

Garlic has been used as a spice since time immemorial. The herb was found in the Egyptian pyramids and temples in ancient Greece. Garlic, in addition to being a spice, has been used as a medicine.

Modern research proves the variety of medicinal benefits of garlic. It is best fresh because it contains compounds that break down when you cut or chew garlic cloves.

If fresh garlic is not tolerated by your stomach, and you do not want to lose its useful qualities, it is best to do garlic powder. It is used in all kinds of dishes and medicinal recipes from folk medicine.

To make your own natural garlic powder, peel and cut into strips any amount of garlic cloves. Cover a baking tray with parchment paper without greasing it. Put the garlic in it.

Put the pan in the oven at low temperature, not more than 80 degrees, for several hours. They are ready when the garlic slices become completely dry and brittle. Allow them to cool and grind them in a blender, coffee grinder or mortar. Garlic powder is stored in airtight jars.

Garlic cloves
Garlic cloves

Another good way to dry is through a blender and food dehydrator. For the procedure you need garlic cloves, a knife, a blender, a food or stove dehydrator, trays and storage jars.

If you grow garlic at home, pick it and let it dry. If you buy it, it is best to look for pre-peeled garlic cloves. Divide the heads, peel the cloves and cut off the dry edges. Remove all dry parts and defects from the cloves.

The cleaned cloves are blended in a blender until large particles are obtained. Place them in the food dehydrator tray or biscuit tray. Turn the oven to 90 degrees. If you use a food dryer, use the vegetable setting at 50 degrees.

Leave the garlic for a few hours, checking often so that it does not stick and does not burn. It is ready when it becomes dry and crispy.

You can store it chopped or put it back in a blender or coffee grinder to make it powder. Store in airtight jars.
