Products Rich In Lysine

Products Rich In Lysine
Products Rich In Lysine

Lysine is an amino acid that the body does not produce on its own. It is obtained only from food and food supplements. Lysine helps build muscle protein and collagen. It is responsible for the elasticity of the tendons, the strength of the blood vessels, the absorption of calcium and others.

The recommended daily dose for adults is 23 mg / kg body weight and for infants 170 mg / kg. People who are overweight, those who are vegetarians, and those who follow a low-fat diet need more lysine.

Lysine is in the group of dairy products. The richest of them in this amino acid is Parmesan. Contains 151% of the recommended daily dose of lysine. From this group the consumption of cottage cheese, fresh, yoghurt and cheese is recommended.

High lysine content it is also found in red meat, turkey, chicken and lamb.

Chicken breasts contain about 148% of the recommended daily dose of lysine. One of the most common meats in Europe is pork, which boasts a good lysine content. Of the representatives of fish products, one of the richest in lysine fish is boiled tuna.

Products rich in lysine
Products rich in lysine

A rich source of lysine for vegetarians it is soy. An excellent source of amino acids from vegetable protein.

Pumpkin seeds are also a good representative of nuts and plant amino acids.

White beans are quite common due to their application in many dishes.

One of the most common snacks is eggs. They are an extremely fast and healthy breakfast. Through them, the body gets a lot of nutrients, namely lysine.

Try to consume lysine-rich products, it is extremely important for the human body, which does not produce this amino acid on its own. It is found in many foods and it is easy to diversify our diets.
