Curious Facts About Beer

Curious Facts About Beer
Curious Facts About Beer

The first written document that mentions beer dates back to Sumerian times - the fourth century BC. Sumerian beer was called sikaru.

Even in those days the principle of beer production was based on the fermentation of barley. The people of Babylon continued this tradition. They ground barley into flour and made loaves out of it. This made them easier to transport.

To make the beer, you only had to crush this mold and immerse it in water to ensure a long fermentation. Barley was one of the most common cereals and each family made their own beer according to a special recipe.

Gradually, family production gave way to professional production. At the end of the eleventh century, hops began to be added to beer, and this is how the taste we know today came about.

There was a tradition in Babylon - in the first month after the wedding, the bride's father drank his son-in-law with beer every day. Tradition required the groom to know that he could change the beer, but not the woman.

From the moment people started making beer, they discovered new and new healing properties in it. Ancient Sumerian healers prescribed their patients to gnaw their mouths and drink hot beer for toothache.

Bottles of Beer
Bottles of Beer

In the Middle Ages, beer was used as a means to remove kidney stones and to treat physical and spiritual exhaustion. After a long walk, people rubbed their feet with beer.

Some doctors used beer to treat respiratory diseases, and among women, beer was famous for its rejuvenating properties when used on the skin.

During the cholera epidemic, some doctors thought that beer was a cure for the disease, as the bacilli died after a few hours in beer. Perhaps that is why cholera epidemics in Europe have rarely killed brewery workers.

Among the craziest laws regarding alcohol is the law of the city of Ames in the US state of Iowa. According to him, a man is not allowed to sleep in the same bed with a woman if he has drunk more than three sips of beer.

At the largest brewery in Matsushiro, Japan, customers are entitled to a free pint of beer, but only if they are in the restaurant during a strong earthquake.
