Figs - A Useful Alternative To Sugar

Figs - A Useful Alternative To Sugar
Figs - A Useful Alternative To Sugar

A useful alternative to sugar is dried figs. They contain many valuable vitamins - B-carotene, B1, B3, PP and vitamin C.

Dried figs contain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, useful acids. Dried figs contain enzymes that stimulate digestion.

They are useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, palpitations, bronchial asthma, propensity to thrombosis and anemia, normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.

Dried figs are useful for improving the complexion. In folk medicine they are used as a remedy for coughs and colds.

Five dried figs are poured with a tea cup of milk, cooled and ground to a pulp. Consume half a cup of the mixture four times a day until the symptoms subside.

Dried figs contain cellulose, which is invaluable for good digestion, and is a perfect remedy for constipation that does not require the use of medication.

The beneficial fibers in the cellulose of dried figs reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. For people with shaky nerves, dried figs are very useful.

Dried figs have a good effect on the nervous system. They have the ability to reduce the temperature and have antiseptic properties. Dried figs easily satisfy hunger.

Instead of stuffing yourself with candy, eat dried figs every day. However, you should not overdo their consumption, because they are quite high in calories. One hundred grams of dried figs contain 49.6 calories.
