Hot Chocolate For Better Memory

Hot Chocolate For Better Memory
Hot Chocolate For Better Memory

Hot chocolate can help older people maintain a good memory, the Daily Express reports on its pages, citing a US study. The authors of the study are scientists from Harvard Medical College in Boston and through several studies have been able to reach this conclusion.

They found that two cups of hot chocolate a day can stimulate blood flow to the brain and improve memory, and subsequently the recovery of memories. Experts hope that this finding will help prevent dementia.

The entire study involved 60 volunteers who were on average 73 years old. None of them suffered from dementia. For exactly one month, all participants consumed two cups of the hot sweet drink every day, and did not receive any other cocoa drinks during this period.

The blood flow to the brain of each volunteer was examined using ultrasound, and in addition, all participants were subjected to various tests - for thinking, for memorization. Experts found that blood flow to the brain was disrupted in 18 of those involved.


However, after a month of chocolate consumption, the researchers noticed that blood flow increased - by an average of 8.3%. In the tests, the volunteers also showed good results - the time to recall a memory decreased significantly - from 167 seconds to 116 seconds.

An improvement was also reported in the memory tests.

Based on these few data from the study, scientists are convinced that regular consumption of hot chocolate can benefit the elderly.

The results show that the consumption of the sweet drink can improve memory in adults by more than 30%. Dr. Sarond is one of the authors of this study. According to the expert, chocolate actually has a positive effect on memory and can be beneficial for thinking skills.

A previous study related to Alzheimer's disease and dementia proves that consuming green tea can also protect us from memory problems.
