Cinnamon Has Anti-cancer Properties

Cinnamon Has Anti-cancer Properties
Cinnamon Has Anti-cancer Properties

The addition of cinnamon gives the dishes an irresistible taste. More importantly, the spice actually has a number of health benefits for the body. The combination of cinnamon with honey has been "worshiped" in both Oriental and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. However, many people are still unaware of the benefits of the spice.

Fights cancer. A study by researchers in Maryland, USA, found that cinnamon reduced the spread of leukemia and the proliferation of cancer cells.

The aromatic spice is a rich source of calcium and fiber, which removes excess ingredients from the body. This has a preventive effect against certain intestinal diseases, including cancer.

Lowers cholesterol. Regular consumption of the spice lowers the levels of the so-called. "Bad" cholesterol in the blood, as well as triglyceride levels. However, more large-scale studies are needed to determine exactly how cinnamon lowers cholesterol, how much is needed, and exactly what type of cinnamon is most effective in this process.

Cinnamon improves brain function. Even just the smell of the spice can enhance cognitive functions, the ability to remember, the performance of certain tasks. Concentration and concentration are also improved. The same effect is achieved by chewing gum with the taste and aroma of cinnamon.

Cinnamon has anti-cancer properties
Cinnamon has anti-cancer properties

It is also useful for the stomach. It is an excellent source of fiber and helps with constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. A healthy digestive tract is a prerequisite for better bowel function. In addition, problems such as diarrhea and painful gas can only be solved by adding cinnamon to the menu.

Improves blood circulation. Cinnamon contains significant amounts of an ingredient that improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of clogging blood vessels. However, it is good to know that people with problematic bleeding should not consume the spice.

It has an energizing effect. The feeling of tiredness can be easily relieved by taking cinnamon. Cinnamon makes people more lively and energetic. In addition, cinnamon has a warming effect.

It is the perfect natural remedy for cold feet. Cinnamon is also effective against flu and colds. The best result in such conditions gives hot tea with cinnamon and a little fresh ginger.
