Medicinal Decoctions With Hawthorn For A Healthy Heart

Medicinal Decoctions With Hawthorn For A Healthy Heart
Medicinal Decoctions With Hawthorn For A Healthy Heart

Hawthorn is one of the most ancient herbs, whose healing properties have been known since time immemorial. Although in its raw state the fruits of this medicinal shrub or tree are very tasteless, they help in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. And you've probably heard of the exclusive blend of mint, hawthorn and valerian, which is very effective for insomnia and nervous system problems.

Anyway. Much has already been written about the countless benefits of hawthorn, but here we will focus on the question of what exactly you can prepare from hawthorn. Here are some ideas:

Hawthorn syrup for insomnia

Necessary products: 2 kg of hawthorn berries, 2 kg of sugar, 2 liters of water, 10 g of citric acid.

Method of preparation: Wash the washed fruits with boiling water and put them on the stove to boil, but over low heat. When you notice that they have begun to soften, strain the juice. Add 1 kg of sugar to each liter of juice. Put back on the stove and cook until the syrup thickens.

When ready, add the citric acid. To cool the syrup faster, you can put the container in another container filled with cold water. In this way you will also preserve the natural color of the hawthorn. When it cools, pour the liquid into bottles, which you will store in the refrigerator, as the syrup prepared in this way is not very durable.

Medicinal decoctions with hawthorn for a healthy heart
Medicinal decoctions with hawthorn for a healthy heart

Red hawthorn tea

Necessary products: 2 tablespoons red hawthorn flowers, 400 ml of water.

Method of preparation: Hawthorn flowers are boiled in boiling water and left to stand for 2 hours. The liquid is then filtered and, if desired, the tea can be seasoned with honey and lemon to taste. Take 100 ml per day before meals 3 times a day. The tea is extremely suitable for cardiovascular diseases, nervous diseases, enlarged prostate, diseases of the urinary system and insomnia.

Hawthorn tincture for heart problems

Necessary products: 3 tablespoons hawthorn fruit, 1 tsp brandy.

Method of preparation: In a dark glass jar mix the brandy and hawthorn berries and leave the liquid in the dark for 7-8 days. Then strain and take 20 drops a day, dissolved in water or syrup.
