The Healing Properties Of Honey

The Healing Properties Of Honey
The Healing Properties Of Honey

Honey is successfully used not only as a sweetener for tea and coffee and an alternative to sugar, but also for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, as well as to relieve their symptoms.

In asthma, it is recommended to consume one teaspoon of honey three times a day every day. This facilitates breathing and helps cleanse the respiratory system.

Honey also helps with seasickness. If you suffer from seasickness or just feel nauseous, mix one part lemon juice with one part honey. Dip your index finger into this mixture and lick it very slowly - do this twice a day.

A jar of honey
A jar of honey

For stress and shaky nerves, drink the following mix twice a day: mix a teaspoon of freshly squeezed orange juice with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of nutmeg.

To reduce the urge to light a cigarette, if you are trying to quit, chew small pieces of pineapple that you have spread with half a teaspoon of honey. After chewing the pineapple, smoke.

Use of honey
Use of honey

For stomach pain, mix anise decoction with a teaspoon of honey. Drink the decoction twice a day - before lunch and after dinner. In the absence of anise, you can replace it with mint.

For chronic colds and fever, make basil tea by pouring a teaspoon of the herb with a teaspoon of hot water. Add a quarter teaspoon of black pepper and a teaspoon of honey. Drink three times a day.

To combat poor blood circulation, mix one teaspoon of cinnamon with one teaspoon of honey and pour a teaspoon of hot water over them. Leave for ten minutes and drink twice a day.

If you can't stop hiccuping, mix a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of olive oil. Dip your index finger into the mixture and lick it. Repeat every ten minutes until the hiccups stop bothering you.
