Vitamin Weeds That Should Be On Your Plate

Vitamin Weeds That Should Be On Your Plate
Vitamin Weeds That Should Be On Your Plate

In terms of nutrients, some wild grasses are superior to cultivated ones.

Plants considered weeds are the first to push over the still unheated land in the spring. And they have stored valuable vitamins and trace elements, as well as a number of other useful substances. Apart from the fact that a wide range of their application is represented in folk medicine, these plants are also dietary.

1. Nettle

Nettle is a burning plant, but with a unique composition - a treasure trove of large amounts of nutrients. The content of ascorbic acid is twice as high as in lemons, and the amount of carotene is superior to carrots. 20 nettle leaves provide the necessary daily dose of vitamin A, and is also rich in vitamins K, E and B, trace elements iron, copper, silicon, calcium, magnesium and more. It also contains flavonoids, tannins, tannin, phytoncides, organic acids, chlorophyll, glycosides, secretin which normalizes metabolism. With the help of green wealth can restore the functions of vital organs and systems, to improve the flow of all energy processes and respectively to increase the body's resistance.

2. Dandelion

Dandelion honey
Dandelion honey

Photo: VILI-Violeta Mateva

Another valuable plant is the dandelion. It contains the rare elements boron, manganese, titanium and molybdenum. Especially in cooking, the leaves are used mainly, less often the other parts - from its dried roots it becomes a substitute for coffee, and the flowers are used to make wine and jam, in some countries. The specific bitterness can be removed by keeping the leaves in cold water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it.

3. Loboda


Photo: Tales of a Growing Apprentice

Loboda has been known since ancient times and often saved the poor from starvation, who had no idea about the vitamins and minerals it contained. Although he is not a leader, the place on the spring table is well deserved. Nutritionists rate quinoa even higher than a close relative of spinach because of its lower oxalic acid content. Mainly young leaves are used in the preparation of purees, soups, pies - rarely used raw.

4. Burdock


Like quinoa, burdock is high in vitamins and minerals. It successfully competes in some respects and outperforms cabbage, which we all know is useful. For example, in terms of the properties of vegetable cellulose, that of burdock is not so rough and is definitely more tolerable for the stomach. Burdock leaves are used boiled and can be used in soups or salads.
