Health Benefits Of Guava

Health Benefits Of Guava
Health Benefits Of Guava

Guava is very common in Asian countries, and today it is found in the Western world, especially because of the great health benefits of the fruit. They resemble a pear, but have a more round shape, the outer surface of which is light green, yellow or brownish when ripe. They are seasonal fruits, with a white or brownish inner part and very small hard seeds. Guava is consumed raw or in the form of delicious jams or jellies.

The thing that makes the fruit more environmentally friendly and useful is the fact that its outer shell protects it so well that it is not necessary to apply various pesticides for its survival.

Health benefits of Guava
Health benefits of Guava

Guava is very rich in fiber (in general, they are carbohydrates and lipids that cleanse the body), as well as vitamins, proteins and minerals, as there is no cholesterol and there are few digestible carbohydrates. It saturates the body for a longer time, which is why it is a suitable food for various diets. Unlike other fruits such as apples, oranges, grapes and others, it contains less sugar, especially raw guava. And strange as it may sound, guava is a first aid for people who need to gain a few pounds. Probably this dual effect is due to the fact that it is very rich in nutrients that support metabolism by regulating and helping the proper absorption of substances.

Of the vitamins, vitamin A is found, which we know is very good for eyesight. Intake of this fruit slows the onset of cataracts, macular degeneration (a small area in the center of the retina that allows us to see clearly) and overall eye health.

And vitamin C, which is found here is in values four times higher than those in oranges. We know that this vitamin provides many antioxidants that increase immunity and prevent the spread of free radicals in the body, and from there to the appearance of cardiovascular disease or malignancy.

The fruit is used to prevent cancer, guava has the ability to inhibit the growth and metastasis (spread) of cancer cells. Numerous studies have shown that guava is suitable for prostate cancer, breast cancer and oral cancer. Prepared oil from the leaves of guava has a proven healing effect, worthy of measuring its properties with other drugs. It is rich in lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that enhances the effect against cancer cells.

Health benefits of Guava
Health benefits of Guava

It also contains vitamin B3 and B6. Vitamin B3 can increase blood flow and stimulate cognitive function, and vitamin B6 is a good nutrient, especially for the brain and normal nerve function.

Guava helps treat diarrhea, dysentery, gastroenteritis. It contains compounds (astringents) that are contained in raw guava and its leaves. They are alkaline in nature and have antibacterial and disinfectant properties. At the time of chewing, it also supports the health of the oral cavity, strengthening the gums and strengthening tooth enamel.

Apart from diarrhea, it is also suitable for the treatment of constipation, which is another case of a double effect of this delicious fruit. It is rich in dietary fiber, and its seeds are excellent laxatives (cleansing action). All this regulates peristalsis, helps the body retain fluids.

It also contains a lot of honey, which is why it regulates the function of the thyroid gland by controlling the production and absorption of hormones.

The benefits do not stop there, guava is added to foods for coughs and flu. Guava helps maintaining healthy, beautiful and firm skin, in addition it lowers blood cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

A number of studies indicate that this fruit is suitable for diabetics because of the dietary fiber it contains. They support the absorption of sugar and reduce the risk of sudden changes in blood sugar levels. It is believed that guava can prevent diabetes.
