What Do The Colors Of Easter Eggs Mean?

What Do The Colors Of Easter Eggs Mean?
What Do The Colors Of Easter Eggs Mean?

Traditionally, on Holy Thursday or Holy Saturday, Easter eggs are painted, which are a symbol of new life and rebirth. The Easter ritual has become an integral part of the holiday.

The colors we choose to paint the eggs for the great Christian holiday are different - yellow, blue, purple, red, turquoise, green and others, each with a different message and meaning.

Red, for example, is usually associated with the blood of Christ, but the color itself actually symbolizes love and hope. Yellow egg colors, on the other hand, symbolize light and happiness.

Orange colors are a symbol of endurance and strength, and green - a symbol of growth.

Easter eggs
Easter eggs

The blue color represents health, and the violet - the truth and hope.

Although rare, there are also black egg paints, which, contrary to the notion of black, do not symbolize sorrow, misery and death, but eternity.

You can also buy brown egg paints from the markets, as the brown egg symbolizes happiness.

According to legend, the first Easter egg was painted by Mary Magdalene, who gave it to the Roman emperor Tiberius and informed him of the Resurrection of Christ.


The egg was red and since then it has become a tradition for the first painted egg for the Christian holiday to be red.

The egg is a symbol of new life, and for Christians it has become a symbol of the Resurrection, its hard shell symbolizing the tomb of Christ.

In the past, the number of painted eggs was determined by the number of laying hens in a village, with between 30 and 40 eggs being painted in poorer homes and between 200 and 400 in richer ones.

The number of painted eggs must be odd.

Traditionally, the first egg is painted by the oldest woman in the home, and all the women in the family are included in the ritual.

On Holy Saturday the eggs are laid in the church to be consecrated, and on the Resurrection of Christ the traditional beating with eggs begins.
