The Best Summer Diet

The Best Summer Diet
The Best Summer Diet

Over the last few decades, nutritionists and nutritionists have studied many different ways to lose weight, a variety of diets and diets. In the course of the experiments, they discovered the best summer dietwhich "evaporates fat" without much effort in just a few weeks,

Experts call this diet a traffic light. According to them, if the proper use of this diet and strictly follow all the recommendations, we will be able to lose weight permanently in less than a month.

The principle of the summer diet is based of the color composition of the "traffic light": for two or three weeks in three consecutive days you should eat only red, yellow and green vegetables and fruits.

For example, on the first day, eat only red foods: eat without remorse and limit the amount of tomatoes, red apples, cherries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.

Diet for weight loss in the summer
Diet for weight loss in the summer

On the second day of the best summer diet it is recommended to eat only yellow vegetables and fruits: peppers, pineapples, bananas, yellow apples.

For the third day the green color remained and accordingly only fruits and vegetables in this color are consumed - peas, kiwis, cucumbers, avocados, zucchini.

To help your body get rid of extra pounds, nutritionists also recommend that you include light physical activity. Long summer walks, cycling or dancing will help you deal with extra pounds. Remember while you are on this one summer dietthat sleep and good mood is also extremely important.

Experts also believe that by applying this diet with fruits and vegetables, you can quickly get rid of six pounds of excess weight. We must not forget to drink enough water. Regardless of the fact that the daily menu consists only of fruits and vegetables, the amount of water tested should not be less than two liters per day.

Nutrition for weight loss in the summer
Nutrition for weight loss in the summer

Experts note that it is enough to apply this diet and only three consecutive days a week. On the other days of the week it is better not to overdo it with pasta desserts, sweet and packaged treats. It is also good to refuse too greasy foods, fried or spicy. Bet on roast meat, grilled fish and seafood.
