GMOs With Bacon Flavor Delight Vegetarians

GMOs With Bacon Flavor Delight Vegetarians
GMOs With Bacon Flavor Delight Vegetarians

Researchers at Oregon State University have created a special type of bacon-flavored seaweed, according to the British newspaper The Independent. The main goal of the creators of the new plant is to reduce the temptations of vegetarians, who sometimes feel the need to eat meat.

The plant belongs to the group of red seaweed. American scientists have even patented the new strain and bacon-smelling representatives of the underwater flora are expected to appear on the market no later than mid-2019.

Genetically modified algae have twice the nutritional value of ordinary ones. Scientists compare their appearance to lettuce, with the small difference that their color is red. The leaves of the plant are high in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

The taste of bacon in seaweed is given by the domesticated strain dulce. It is implanted in the composition of a specific variety of red algae growing in the shallow waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


Initially, researchers did not seek to create food for vegetarians. The plant was cultivated as a super food for a special species of sea snail grown in aquariums and aquaculture farms.

Gradually, scientists found that mollusks fed on the new plant grew extremely fast compared to their other counterparts. Thus, they realized that a culture with extremely high quality and useful nutritional properties had been created.

The original goal was to create a snail superfood because high-quality snails are a valuable commodity, especially in Asia. In just two years, the price of snails raised and fed on new algae has jumped ninefold.

This is what led us to the idea that instead of food for mollusks, we could produce food for humans, says Professor Chris Langton, who led the team that created the plant.

The authors of the GMO product predict a bright future for their creation and believe that it may soon become a main dish in most vegetarian restaurants across the ocean.
