Attention - Honey With GMOs

Attention - Honey With GMOs
Attention - Honey With GMOs

For the possibility of the appearance of honey with GMOs alerted the beekeeper Iliya Tsonev, who is a member of the National Scientific Association of Beekeeping.

The reason for this alarming statement is the proposal of the European Commission not to be mentioned on the labels of products when the food contains more than 0.9% GMOs. The reason for this controversial proposal is the honey found in 2011 in Germany, in which GMO pollen was found.

Its distribution was restricted by the European Court.

According to the legislation applied so far, the total content of GMOs in a food is tested if it is one-component, ie. of only one ingredient. Then, in order to be declared ecologically clean, the amount of GMOs in it should not exceed 0.9%.


This rule does not apply to honey, as pollen is only one of its ingredients. So in the study for GMOs its total content should not be examined, but its specific content in each individual ingredient. This was also the opinion of the European Court.

Unfortunately, some members of the European Commission are lobbying for a universal ban on sowing GMOs for all countries. Thus, each country will be free to decide for itself.

The change of the current honey directive can be decided only at European level, but the definite opinion of the branch organizations of beekeepers is that the interests of Bulgarian citizens, producers and consumers of honey must be protected.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mr. Miroslav Naydenov, must stand behind the thesis that pollen is an independent component of honey and it must be assessed separately from it whether it contains GMOs, at the forthcoming Ministerial Meeting of the European Commission.
