Spinach - The Spring Bomb Of Vitamins And Minerals

Spinach - The Spring Bomb Of Vitamins And Minerals
Spinach - The Spring Bomb Of Vitamins And Minerals

The homeland of spinach, which is Catherine de 'Medici's favorite dish, is Persia, and in European cuisine it appears through Spain, imported by the Arabs.

The nutritional content of this green leafy vegetable is rich. It contains carbohydrates and proteins, many minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins are dominated by B1, B2, C. It also contains an enviable amount of iodine, oxalic and folic acid and carotene, and its richness in iron is a valuable helper in anemia.

Due to the rich content of iron, folic acid, vitamins K and C, spinach has the ability to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Drinking fresh juice is preferable for a faster effect in anemic conditions. It can be taken in its pure form or mixed with fresh carrot juice.

Spinach has few calories and is suitable for dieters due to obesity or atherosclerosis.

Carotene (provitamin A), which is contained in spinach, helps children who have a growth problem, but it should be known that certain precautions are needed when feeding infants with spinach, because when storing food prepared from spinach 24-48 hours in a warm room under the influence of bacteria, nitrates are converted into nitrites.

These salts are poisonous because, when absorbed into the blood, they lead to the formation of methaemoglobin and thus exclude a significant part of red blood cells, erythrocytes, from the process of respiration. Therefore, in children 2-3 hours after eating sedentary food with spinach, there may be bruising, shortness of breath, vomiting, upset stomach, chocolate brown blood and in severe cases - collapse. Therefore, dishes prepared with spinach should be stored in a cool place, and it is best to consume only very fresh ones.

Spinach salad
Spinach salad

Spinach is contraindicated (not to be used) in liver and kidney diseases, gout and diseases in which oxalic acid is harmful, which is in significant quantities in spinach.

When consumed properly, spinach is a very valuable food. It is useful for diabetics, it is a valuable food for people with tuberculosis, it strengthens the immune system. It has a mild laxative effect and is useful for people prone to constipation. Soothes colic pain.

In order to utilize the vitamins in spinach, it is recommended to consume fresh salads, and when we cook it, to use the water in which it is boiling, because its minerals pass into the water.
