A Short Glossary Of Useful Ingredients In Our Food

A Short Glossary Of Useful Ingredients In Our Food
A Short Glossary Of Useful Ingredients In Our Food

Astringent - performs shrinking, burning and tightening action.

Allicin - essential oil in garlic; inhibits the formation of tumor cells.

Alpha-hydroxy acids - fruit acids that retain moisture in the skin; stimulate collagen production and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Antioxidants - compounds that stop the harmful effects of free radicals.

Anthocyanins - dark red pigments with antioxidant action; support blood circulation.

Arginine - an organic compound in animal proteins and peanuts.

Bifida bacteria - beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract; prevent infections.

Lactobacillus bacteria - process lactose and other simple sugars into lactic acid.

Betacyanin - bright red pigment in the composition of red beets.

Gamma-linolenic acid - fatty acid needed for hormonal balance; soothes inflammation; reduces the risk of blood clots.

Glutathione peroxidase - an enzyme with a powerful action against free radicals.

Dimethylaminoethanol - a chemical compound related to choline, which produces the neurotransmitter acetylcholine; natural ingredient in fish.

Docosahexaenoic acid - Omega 3 fatty acid; found in fish oil.

Ellagic acid - anticancer substance; found in small stone fruits.

Zeaxanthin - carotenoid with antioxidant action; important for vision.

Capsaicin - herbal substance in chili peppers.

Quercetin - flavonoid with antioxidant action.

Collagen - a protein of particular importance for healthy skin and connective tissue.

Caffeic acid - organic acid in fruits and vegetables.

A short glossary of useful ingredients in our food
A short glossary of useful ingredients in our food

Curcumin - antioxidant pigment in the composition of Turmeric.

Lycopene - carotenoid with antioxidant action; found in red foods.

Limonin - anticancer substance in lemons and oranges.

Linoleic acid - unsaturated fatty acid of particular importance to the human body.

Lipoic acid - organic acid produced in the cells of some microorganisms; especially important for metabolism.

Lutein - carotenoid with antioxidant action; important for vision.

Myricetin - antioxidant with anti-inflammatory action.

Oleic acid - an oil-like liquid involved in the construction of Omega-9 fatty acids.

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids - polyunsaturated fats in oily fish, nuts and seeds.

Papain - enzyme in papaya; supports the absorption of proteins.

Polyphenol - compounds used in chemical synthesis.

Routine - flavonoid tonic and healing effect on peripheral blood vessels.

S-allyl cysteine - anticancer compound in the composition of garlic.

Salicylate - salicylic acid salt or ester; active ingredient of aspirin; cures skin problems.

Saponins - compounds with purifying and anti-inflammatory action in the composition of herbs, legumes and vegetables; form a protective layer in the upper layer of the plant.

Free radicals - molecules damaging tissues; by-product of metabolism and environmental influences.

Bound linoleic acid - fatty acid of natural origin.

Sulforaphane - anticancer compound.

Be patient - participate in the production of anticancer enzymes.

A short glossary of useful ingredients in our food
A short glossary of useful ingredients in our food

Tocotrienol - antioxidant composition of vitamin E.

Phenethyl isothiocyanate - anticancer compound in vegetables.

Ferulic acid - antioxidant; protects cells from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Phytic acid - a basic form of phosphorus storage in many plant tissues, especially seeds.

Phytonutrients - a plant compound with health benefits.

Phytoestrogen - plant compounds with an estrogen-like effect but less effective.

Flavonoids - common name of a number of bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory action.

Hesperidin - white or colorless crystalline compound in the composition of citrus fruits.

Homocysteine - an amino acid used by the body in cellular metabolism and protein production; at high levels in the blood - a risk factor for a number of diseases.

Cinnarine - cleaning agent; supports liver function.

Malic acid - organic acid with a tart taste; found in apples.
