Yellow Onions - What We Need To Know?

Yellow Onions - What We Need To Know?
Yellow Onions - What We Need To Know?

We all know from an early age that it is extremely useful to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. They saturate our body with such useful and important for our body minerals, vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. In this line of thought, onions are one of the most useful greens that we should eat daily.

Scientists believe that the homeland of yellow onions is Central Asia, and then spread with trade to Greece, Egypt and Rome.

Yellow onions - what we need to know?

In the past, people knew the magic useful properties of onions, and today it is clear that they are due to the presence of bioactive substances such as alinin, flavonoids, thiosulfinates, adenosine and others. Along with this yellow onions are very rich in a number of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, K, PP). It is a little known fact that it also contains special plant hormones, whose action is similar to insulin in our body. They, in turn, affect blood sugar, namely - help lower it, so it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

Yellow onions
Yellow onions

Yellow onions contain in itself and easily digestible proteins, as in ancient times people used it to increase appetite. Its other useful properties of onion are:

- purifies the blood;

- helps with colds, bronchitis and colds;

- blocks the development of cancer cells;

- helps lower blood sugar;

- prevents the formation of blood clots;

- lowers cholesterol.

Along with this it has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is why yellow onions are extremely useful for consumption in the season of respiratory diseases. It has an excellent diuretic effect and is recommended in cases where it is necessary to force urination in a number of health problems.

Cooking yellow onions
Cooking yellow onions

Today it is proven that the substances in yellow onions they make it a wonderful remedy against multiple sclerosis, but also along with it yellow onions normalize blood pressure, so it is useful in hypertension.

Few of you may know that yellow onions are also a wonderful folk remedy for asthma and allergies, as they contain the so-called substance quercetin. It helps to dilate the airways and thus helps to alleviate the condition. In addition, the substances that are contain in yellow onions, actively influence the killing of a huge amount of bacteria in the mouth, which are one of the causes of tooth decay.

The onion is one of the vegetables that can rightly be said to help with almost any pathology. That is why it is important to consume it regularly, as well as in general to try to keep your menu varied and healthy.
