Foods That Bake The Baby

Foods That Bake The Baby
Foods That Bake The Baby

The stomachs of young children are very sensitive, so we must be careful what we give them to eat. Despite the mother's care, sometimes children suffer from a disorder or constipation. When the baby's stomach is irritated, the best food is breast milk.

If the baby is old enough to eat mashed potatoes or fed everything, then you can give bananas, biscuits, rusks, cheese, baked apple, carrot puree, mashed potatoes, rice, semolina, pasta, salads.

You can also give rosehip tea. It also has a burning effect. There are also ready-made porridges for babies that have the same effect. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, you can also give him formula milk. It is a known fact that formulas have a burning effect on babies and young children.

You could prepare different combinations to achieve the desired effect. You can make a combination of carrots and potatoes, boiled and mashed. You can also add a little cheese to this combination.

You can also give rosehip tea, rice water or mint tea to bake a baby or small child.

Another suitable combination is crushed biscuits with mashed banana - it works flawlessly.

Rusks with cheese, boiled rice with carrots is another suitable combination. You can give rice water to your baby instead of plain water. You can also combine pasta with cheese. Often give saltines and rusks for the child to nibble on.

If the baby is under 1 year old, you can make thick popara with adapted milk, rusks and cheese.

When your baby's stomach is upset, do not give cow's milk or other dairy products. Only a little cheese is allowed.

During these periods it is very important to give more water to the child so that he does not become dehydrated.
