Zahar Demerara

Zahar Demerara
Zahar Demerara

Without a doubt, we all have a pretty good idea of what sugar is. White refined sugar - the most common form of sugar that is commercially available, is usually obtained from sugar cane (perennial grass) or sugar beet (a type of tuber). However, the resulting product is very refined - granulated white sugar, which we all know very well.

There are, of course, countless sugar alternatives and substitutes - from highly artificial to natural (stevia, etc.). But in recent years we have heard more and more about something called Demerarawhich some mistakenly assume is just brown sugar.

Unlike brown sugar, which is only refined white sugar slightly bathed in a little molasses, it is a grainy, somewhat crunchy raw sugar originating in Guyana (a colony formerly called Demerara). Due to the growing popularity of Demerara over the years, this particular type of sugar is now produced in Mexico, India, Hawaii and other countries.

Demerara is a light brown, partially refined sugar produced by the first crystallization during the processing of sugar cane into sugar crystals (this process is similar to what happens with naturally evaporated cane juice). Unlike brown sugar, which tastes like molasses, Demerara has a natural warm caramel aroma. Demerara sugar is also called Turbinado, which has more to do with how sugar is processed in turbines than where it comes from.

White Sugar

White sugar
White sugar

There are a number of opinions on whether Demerara sugar has the same or greater nutritional value than white sugar. Here is some information in this regard:

- 1 tsp. white sugar contains 4 g of sugar and 15 calories; 1 tsp Demerara sugar also contains 4 g of sugar and 15 calories. While these numbers are the same, some people may assume that these types of sugar are identical in nutritional composition. However, both types are made up of sucrose, have the same calories and have a similar effect on blood sugar levels.

- The Sugar Association (the group representing the sugar industry) claims that white sugar does not contain any additives or preservatives of any kind, but the truth is quite different. First, white sugar is one of the additives used in most processed foods. It has been shown to be a pharmaceutical drug rather than a food for humans.

- As sugar is highly sprayed and chemically enriched during cultivation, white sugar and raw sugar may contain residues of these harmful chemicals, unless you choose organic raw sugar.

- During processing, white sugar is purified to remove all the minerals needed by the body to digest sugars, including: chromium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese and zinc. However, Demerara still contains these minerals, and although some of these minerals are needed only in minimal amounts in our body - they are still needed.

Brown sugar and Demerara
Brown sugar and Demerara

It is also important to consider the nutritional impact of consuming white and raw sugar. White sugar is associated with vitamin B depletion and impaired calcium metabolism, not to mention more than 100 health complications to which it is associated. Demerara naturally contains some molasses, which in themselves have certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B3, B5 and B6.

Usually the darker it is the color of Demerara, the greater the amount of molasses and minerals. Molasses consists mainly of sucrose, but also of molecules of single glucose and fructose, traces of certain vitamins and minerals, little water and small amounts of plant compounds. The latter may have antimicrobial properties.

However, you should refrain from taking large amounts sugar Demeraraas all the benefits of vitamins and minerals will be overcome by the negative effects of excess sugar

Applications of Demerara sugar

Demerara sugar in fact, it is much tastier and gives complexity and depth to recipes - pastries, drinks and more. Its crunchy large crystals are a nice addition (in moderation) to the surface of Easter buns, apple cakes, brownies, pies, stalls, cakes and even cookies.
