Mint For Toothache And Sore Gums

Mint For Toothache And Sore Gums
Mint For Toothache And Sore Gums

Mint is an ancient type of mint that grows in Central and Southern Europe. It is characterized by a strong aroma and sharp taste. It is widely used as a spice for soups, stews and meat delicacies.

Apart from being a spice, however, mint is also widely used as a medicine. Its intake increases gastric and intestinal secretion, which stimulates appetite and improves digestion. In medicine it is used as an analgesic and antiseptic, especially for spasms.

Mint can be extremely useful for toothache and inflamed gums. Prepare a decoction of mint soaked in red wine - 1:10. Leave to stand for 8 days. The resulting liquid is smeared. In case of bad breath, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture. after eating.

Another option against diseased teeth and gums is the following: 1 handful of mint mixed with 1 tbsp. roasted alum. Pour into a bottle and pour alcohol on top. The bottle is left for about 3-4 days in the sun, but covered on top. When ready, the liquid is rubbed or gnawed.

Decoction of mint leaves is used against colitis, enterocolitis, bloating, diarrhea and gas. It is also recommended against symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

It is taken in the form of an infusion, as 2 tablespoons of the herb are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, after which the mixture is filtered. The result is drunk in portions during the day.


Peppermint tea is also beneficial. It has been shown to have a good effect on hemorrhoids.

In addition to internally, mint can be applied externally. This happens in the form of a compress for skin rashes, boils and bruises.

Mint is a good stimulant and invigorating agent in conditions of both physical and mental fatigue. Peppermint essential oil is used for massages, which have been proven to cure headaches, migraines and significantly reduce stress.

In addition, the oil has an antifungal effect. It is also used for inhalation in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract.
