Figs Help With Constipation, Cough And Sore Throat

Figs Help With Constipation, Cough And Sore Throat
Figs Help With Constipation, Cough And Sore Throat

The fig tree is a leader among fruits in terms of content of biologically active substances, essential oils, trace elements and B vitamins. It contains a huge amount of vitamin C, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. All this contributes to the active fight against viruses in the body and to strengthen the overall immunity.

Prepare a miracle cough medicine based on milk and figs. Take 500 ml of fresh milk (goat, cow), but high in fat, because such milk lubricates the pharyngeal mucosa and is very suitable for the treatment of sore throat and cough.

Pour the milk into a metal container and put it on low heat, add 4-5 well-washed dried figs and cover the container with a lid. Cook for 30 minutes and remove the pan from the heat, wrap in a thick warm blanket and leave for 3-4 hours.

The ingredients are taken separately: the fruits are taken once before meals 3-4 times a day, and the milk is drunk in the evening - well warmed. This is a daily dose, but if you prepare several doses at once for several days, you should store them in the refrigerator and warm the milk in a water bath before use.

Fig has long been known as a laxative. It helps treat constipation even in chronic form not only in adults but also in children. Pectin and fiber in the fig tree play a major role in eliminating constipation. They make the stools softer to move faster and easier through the intestines.

However, even very useful, figs are contraindicated for a certain group of people, and these are people with diabetes, gastritis, gout, pancreatitis, inflammation of the digestive tract, colitis and allergies to figs.

The fig tree acts gradually, helping the body to get rid of overload and continue to function normally. Therefore, the effect of taking figs comes after 2-3 days. We offer you several methods for treatment of constipation with figs:

- On an empty stomach, eat a piece of fig, and then every 3 hours a whole. This will help with a mild form of constipation and also prevent it;

- Fig with olive oil helps very well and quickly to eliminate constipation. Take 6 figs and pour olive oil over them, after 1 day of the infusion start taking 1 fig on an empty stomach;

- Grind 200 g of figs and 200 g of prunes, in the morning on an empty stomach eat half the mixture, having previously drunk 1 cup of cold water;

- Grind and mix 50 g of dried figs, 50 g of prunes and 50 g of dried apricots, pour 500 ml of liquid honey over them. Leave the mixture to stand overnight and take 2 tbsp. four times a day before each meal.

For angina, consume those prepared in this way figs with milk (the method described above), and drink the milk or gargle. For external use, make a compress of chopped figs and apply to the sore throat.
