Drink Mint Tea For Beautiful Skin And Slim Body

Drink Mint Tea For Beautiful Skin And Slim Body
Drink Mint Tea For Beautiful Skin And Slim Body

No bean dish would be tasty enough if it lacked fragrant mint. The spice is especially suitable for lamb, rice and many other dishes, but mint is suitable not only for flavoring various dishes. Aromatic spice tea is above all extremely popular in conditions such as upset stomach.

Just one or two glasses of it are enough to control the situation and help the body fight the disorder. Tea can relieve other conditions - helps with nausea, colic. Keep in mind that it increases appetite and has anti-inflammatory action.

To prepare it, you need to put in 500 ml of hot water 2 tbsp mint. The infusion prepared in this way should be left to soak for one hour and then strained. Drink it after it cools down.

According to other studies, mint tea helps eliminate unwanted hair, and also successfully fights cellulite. It is said that with regular consumption of the decoction after no more than two months you will notice a visible difference in your body - your skin will become very pleasant to the touch and your body will be firmer. For this you need about five grams of the aromatic herb and 250 ml of hot water.

If you consume the drink to eliminate cellulite, the advice is to drink two cups of tea a day. In case you want to get rid of excessive hair, it is recommended to drink mint tea during ovulation - the discovery was made by Turkish scientists.

Experts say that mint reduces the level of free testosterone, and on the other hand - increases the synthesis of the hormones estradiol, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing. Exactly free testosterone is the culprit for male pattern baldness in women, this condition is called hirsutism.


The drink is not unpleasant to consume - at first you will find it quite unusual in taste, but after the first two or three glasses you will completely get used to the aroma. In this case, too, the tea can be drunk chilled.
