Forget About Tea And Coffee If You Have Any Of These Diseases

Forget About Tea And Coffee If You Have Any Of These Diseases
Forget About Tea And Coffee If You Have Any Of These Diseases

There is hardly anyone who has not heard the recommendation that it is good to drink hot drinks for colds. They help heal from flu and viral illnesses because they keep you warm, help you sweat and your body regains its normal temperature, relieve sore throats and help clear the airways.

However, experts note that not every hot drink is healing. There are those that have the exact opposite effect. They slow down the natural healing process that the body undergoes.

Usually in case of a cold we give up the morning coffee and replace it with aromatic tea. The recommendation for the cup hot tea with honey and lemon is well known to everyone. But is tea the best drink when the seasonal flu knocked us down?

The recommendation of some specialists is for colds forget about tea or coffeeand something different. They contain caffeine, and this ingredient prevents the body from fighting the infection quickly. Caffeine keeps a person awake, and in case of illness, the body needs sleep to recover.


What drink is suitable for fever due to a viral disease? Healthy, decaffeinated drinks are a must. It is best to drink water, compote or other fruit drink. They will help you fall asleep so that your body can regain its strength.

In addition, the temperature of the drink is important. It is a mistake to think that you must drink something hot. Cold drinks, but not iced ones, are suitable for fever. They cool the body. Angina responds well to cold drinks because they constrict the blood vessels in the throat and the purulent swelling subsides.

A hot drink is suitable for dilating the vessels, as well as for relaxing, which is the feeling after a hot shower. They help the body relax and give way to sleep.

Tea, coffee, water, juice, compote are all drinks that can support the healing and recovery processes in the body, but they are not a cure and can not be relied on alone.

In case of illness, it is best to trust the prescribed medications to take with the appropriate drinks.

See many more useful recipes for health.
