Forget About Low-fat Foods - They Fill Up

Forget About Low-fat Foods - They Fill Up
Forget About Low-fat Foods - They Fill Up

Forget about low-fat foods, widely advertised by their manufacturers as "healthy" and suitable for active sports people. This is advice that 38-year-old Australian actor Damon Gamo gladly gives you after an experiment.

For two months, Gamo tried to consume only foods that were widely advertised as healthy and suitable for people who were active in sports.

He excluded from his menu all those unhealthy but terribly delicious pastries, chocolates and ice creams.

What was his surprise when, two months after the start of the experiment, he was not only not in better shape, but even got a number of health problems from supposedly healthy foods.


After prolonged consumption of low-fat foods, Damon gained a few extra pounds, high blood sugar on the verge of diabetes and terrible fatty liver.

It turned out that the widely advertised as healthy low-calorie foods are far from good for the body. They were stuffed with additives and a lot of sugar.

Thus, the actor actually took 30-40 teaspoons of sugar a day without even realizing it.

Moreover - he did not consume anything that can be attributed to traditional types of sweets - sweetened soft drinks, ice cream, biscuits, chocolates and more.

His daily menu included only products that were advertised as healthy and that caring parents often gave their children - low-fat yogurt, sports drinks, muesli bars, various types of cereals.

Energy drinks
Energy drinks

Increased daily consumption of sugar led to a deterioration of his health and fatty liver.

But that was not his only problem. It turned out that regular consumption of foods containing too much sugar caused sudden mood swings.

He became quite irritable, his moods were constantly changing and, as a cover, he had difficulty remembering.

Damon Gamo's entire experiment was shot on a film called The Sugar Film, and a book was written about it.

After the end of the experiment with the so-called healthy food the actor regained his good shape. From the point of view of the sufferer, he calls on manufacturers to put more honest and descriptive labels on the products they offer.

Gamo also urges consumers to be very careful about what they buy and to be informed about everything.
