Champagne Cocktails

Champagne Cocktails
Champagne Cocktails

A glass of champagne is mandatory when the hands gather at 12 o'clock on December 31, but the drink is suitable for other occasions. We offer you several recipes for cocktails that you can prepare in the summer and that will refresh you.

- The first cocktail we offer you, you can prepare for yourself and your guests - the amount is for six people. For this you will need six cups in which to put a lump of sugar. Then pour the lump with 15 ml of brandy in each glass.

Add a few raspberries to this, and if you don't have fresh ones, you can also use frozen ones. Top with champagne. To make the cocktail look good, pour it into glasses that are suitable for champagne. It is best if the sugar you use is brown.

- Our next suggestion is for champagne with peach aroma. To make such a cocktail, you will need 30 ml of peach liqueur and the same amount of peach puree.

Champagne cocktail
Champagne cocktail

Mix the two ingredients well, put them in a suitable glass and top up with cold champagne. You do not need ice for this cocktail if you have cooled the champagne beforehand.

- Similar to the above cocktail is the one with orange juice and champagne, but, of course, it has a slightly more sour taste than the previous one. Pour 25 ml of orange liqueur into a champagne glass, top with champagne and put a few lumps of ice. To decorate, put a slice of orange on the edge of the cup.

champagne cocktails
champagne cocktails

- You will also need a shaker for the next drink. Put 40 ml of cointreau and 60 ml of gin in it. Add grapefruit juice to them - about 100-120 ml. Stir well in a shaker and pour into glasses, then top with champagne and serve.

- For lovers of blackcurrant liqueur is the next cocktail. It is extremely easy to make - pour into a suitable tall glass 20 ml of blackcurrant liqueur, then top up with 120 ml of champagne. Add two lumps of ice and the cocktail is ready.

- The last cocktail is especially suitable for lifting the mood, but we do not recommend it for consumption during the day. It is easy to make - for this you need 25 ml of tequila and 75 ml of champagne. Pour the alcohol into a glass and drink the ex.
