History Of Eclairs

History Of Eclairs
History Of Eclairs

Eclairs are among the favorite desserts of many people. Unlike most other sweet temptations, eclairs have only delighted humanity for several centuries.

The first information about the existence of appetizing sweets dates back to 1549. It is believed that then the Italian Pantereli, chef of Caterina Medici, prepared them for the first time and named them after himself.

In 1533, Catherine arrived in France to marry the future French ruler Henry II. She was accompanied by her favorite Italian chefs, who left a lasting impression in French cuisine.

It is not known whether Panterelli imported the recipe for panterelki from his native country or created it in France. But one thing is for sure - these little balls of steamed dough were one of the most impressive pasta at the time.


However, the French not only liked the Italian name of the desserts too much, and when Panterelli died, they quickly renamed them poplenki.

Poplenki began to be prepared by more and more chefs, and in the 18th century the famous confectioner Avis perfected their recipe and changed the name of the desserts again. Because the ball cakes looked like cabbage, he decided to call them shou (chou-cabbage). To this day, many French chefs call this the steamed dough from which they form eclairs and tolumbichki.

Only a century later, the famous French chef Antoine Karem, to whom French cuisine owes its present appearance, changed the recipe a little more and created for the first time the classic steamed dough, which we still use today.

Eclairs with Chocolate
Eclairs with Chocolate

From the steamed dough, in addition to tolumbichki and eclairs, we also prepare round balls called profiteroles. Some of them have a sweet filling and others with a salty one. They can be eaten with cheese and bacon. The fried dough balls are called bine souffle. If they are given sweet egg cream, they become so-called nuns.

There is also an interesting legend about their creation. When several French nuns were preparing food for a feast, one of the nuns' stomachs churned. The other women began to laugh furiously, and one of them unwittingly poured some dough into a pan of hot oil.

Due to the high temperature, it swelled almost immediately. After removing the resulting ball, the nuns cut it and noticed that it was hollow inside. This is how the sweet nuns were created, which also belong to the Shu dough products.
