Today Begins The Weekend Dedicated To Salami

Today Begins The Weekend Dedicated To Salami
Today Begins The Weekend Dedicated To Salami

The weekend of September 7 and 8 is celebrated around the world as feast of salami. These delicious delicacies combine perfectly with wine and cheese, so eat your favorite sausages and remember this weekend.

Salami are prepared from fermented and dried meat, and the name comes from the Italian language and means salt. The basic rule is that the intestine that wraps the salami must be of the same origin as the place in the stuffing.

Salami is usually made from beef or pork, which is mixed with spices such as pepper, garlic and wine, although there are many regional variations, according to foodpanda.

They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are most often prepared from pork, and a classic Bulgarian dish, including sausage, is beans with sausage.

The most popular salamis in the world are pepperoni, chorizo and sopres. They are eaten by people of different nationalities, and in addition to excellent appetizers are delicious on pizzas, salads, sandwiches.

For the first time the feast of salami was held in 2006 in the city of Henrico, Virginia. It was organized by local salami producers and lasted all weekend.
