Applications Of Pumpkin Seeds

Applications Of Pumpkin Seeds
Applications Of Pumpkin Seeds

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Pumpkin seeds, as well as the culture itself, contain many useful substances that have extremely useful properties. For example, ground pumpkin seeds with honey have long been used for medicinal purposes because they have anthelmintic action.

Today, after a much better study of the chemical composition of pumpkin, it began to be used in other pathological conditions, including diseases of the cardiovascular system, intestines, liver and others. Among the beneficial substances contained in pumpkin, there are those that help with high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, low testosterone levels, reduced sexual function in men and others.

Applications of pumpkin seeds

The natural composition of pumpkin seeds is so rich that they are used in many different conditions and problems. They contain a whole vitamin complex, which is very useful for health. Applications of pumpkin seeds extend to:

- helminth infestations - in the composition of pumpkin seeds can be found the amino acid cucurbitine, which is toxic to worms;

- in case of fragility and obstruction of the blood vessels - the essential amino acid arginine strengthens and stabilizes the vessel walls;

- in case of bleeding - vitamin K participates in the processes of blood clotting;

- against sagging skin - vitamins of youth (A and E) help maintain skin elasticity;

- in cardiovascular diseases - alpha linolenic acid strengthens and maintains blood vessels;

- diseases of the genitourinary system - organic acids reduce the risk of prostate cancer;

- in liver diseases - normalizes liver function;

- in depressive states - serotonin helps to deal with neuroses;

- arthritis - the product relieves inflammation in the joints;

- in case of constipation - the fibers from the pumpkin seeds have a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Pumpkin seeds help with constipation
Pumpkin seeds help with constipation

As for the way they are taken, it is important to remember that you should consume them raw, because during heat treatment the seeds are deprived of the valuable substances in them. That is why the maximum benefit of pumpkin seeds can occur when eaten raw.

It is not necessary to fry them, it is enough to dry them a little in the oven so that they acquire a delicate aroma and a pronounced taste of nuts. It is useful to eat about 100 grams a day, and it is best to eat them twice 50 grams. If you give to your child, then you should reduce the daily norm by half, that is, 50 grams of pumpkin seeds are enough for them.

Today, pumpkin seed oil is widely used, which is also very useful in a number of health conditions, and is also used in cosmetology. It is used for colds, intestinal problems, tuberculosis and others.

Furthermore, pumpkin seeds help to reduce nervous excitability and eliminate the effects of stress that you have accumulated during the day. That is why the Chinese believe that pumpkin seed oil is a wonderful natural antidepressant. It is especially effective for dry, dehydrated and rough skin because it has moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating and anti-aging properties. By using pumpkin seed oil regularly to care for your skin, it will always be soft, supple and perfectly hydrated.
