Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds

Partly sweet and with a walnut-like taste, with a soft, chewy texture, roasted Halloween pumpkin seeds are one of the most nutritious and delicious seeds. Although available all year round, they are freshest in the fall, when pumpkin season is.

Pumpkin seeds are smooth and dark green in color. Some have a yellowish-white peel, and some have a shell at all. Both cucumbers and pumpkins and pumpkin seeds belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. You will recognize the name for the pumpkin under Cucurbita maxima.

Pumpkins and their seeds were a highly respected food for Native Americans because of their dietary and medicinal properties. On the return of European explorers from their travels in the New World the cultivation of pumpkin seeds spread to the Old Continent. Today, they are added to recipes in various cuisines, but are a major traditional addition to Mexican cuisine.

The leading commercial producers of pumpkins today are the United States, Mexico, India and China.

Composition of pumpkin seeds

peeled pumpkin seeds
peeled pumpkin seeds

The optimal daily amount of pumpkin seeds per day is between 50-60 grams.

In general, pumpkin seeds are quite a high-calorie product and every 100 grams contain 574 kcal.

Pumpkin seeds, like pumpkin, are very useful and rich in various vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin seeds contain vitamin A, C, K, E and B vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. The highest content of minerals is phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Pumpkin seeds contain essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and the cocktail of nutrients and minerals is supplemented by the very rare ingredient delta-7 sterol and the amino acid L-trypofan.

100 g of pumpkin seeds contain 24.6 g protein, 4.3 g fiber, 45.9 g fat, 8.4 g water, 13.5 g carbohydrates.

Selection and storage of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds

- If you buy pumpkin seeds packaged, see if the package is hermetically sealed;

- If you buy the seeds in bulk, make sure that the store has a good attendance to make sure they are fresh;

- If possible, smell the pumpkin seeds to make sure they are not spoiled;

- Pumpkin seeds should be stored in the refrigerator, where they can last several months, but will be the freshest in about one or two months.

Pumpkin seeds in cooking

Pumpkin seed bread
Pumpkin seed bread

While you can find roasted pumpkin seeds almost anywhere, it's a lot of fun and enjoyable to roast them yourself. Separate the pumpkin seeds and leave them spread out on a towel or kitchen roll to dry overnight. The next day, put them in a pan and bake them at about 75 C for 15-20 minutes. By baking them at a low temperature and for a shorter time, you ensure the preservation of all their healthy oils.

- You can add pumpkin seeds to home-baked bread;

- Add roasted pumpkin seeds to mixed green salads;

- They are a suitable supplement for any breakfast cereal.

All the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds are most concentrated in pumpkin seed oil. It has a green color and is extremely tasty. For this reason, it is best used raw as an addition to various salads. It is a very little known fact that pumpkin oil has a paralyzing effect on intestinal parasites. Thanks to this, they can be removed from the body.

Pumpkin seeds can also be used to make a spicy sauce. To do this, you need to mash them well, and then add to them your favorite herbs, garlic, vegetable oil and a little lemon juice if desired. The result is an insanely tasty and original sauce that goes perfectly with different dishes and will give them a touch of spiciness.

Pumpkin seeds can also be used to make flour, which is a real salvation for people who are intolerant to gluten. It is also useful for digestion, weight reduction and normalization of blood sugar, strengthening the nail plate and hair roots, cleansing the skin, treating helminthiasis, has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Pumpkin seeds in cosmetology

Pumpkin mask
Pumpkin mask

1. Mask for dry skin

Grind 2 tablespoons of seeds and add 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Mix everything well to obtain a homogeneous mixture, then add 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse well with warm water.

2. Mask of pigment spots

Grind 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, then pour boiling water over them to simmer for half an hour. Strain the mixture with gauze and use the product every morning and evening against age spots.

3. Skin whitening lotion

Add 2 tablespoons of water to 2 tablespoons of pumpkin flour. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then strain it and finally add a teaspoon of honey and mix well. Use the lotion every day for at least 1 month to see visible results.

Benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seed oil

- Improve prostate health. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is a condition that is common in men 50 years of age or older. Studies are currently being done on carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds, in connection with their positive effect in patients with prostate problems. It turns out that men who take more carotenoids have a lower risk of developing BPH.

- Protect male bones. The zinc contained in pumpkin seeds is a particularly good solution for elderly men. Although osteoporosis is thought to be common in postmenopausal women, it appears to be a potential problem for older men, which means that they should include foods rich in this mineral in their diet.

- They have anti-inflammatory functions in arthritis and are a rich source of minerals, proteins and monounsaturated fats. In addition to working well for arthritis, with a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds, you will get 46.1% of the daily value of magnesium, 28.7% of the DS of iron, 52% of the DS of manganese, 24% of the DS of copper and 16.9% from DS of proteins.

- The phytosterols found in pumpkin seeds lower cholesterol levels. Phytosterols are compounds found in plants and have a chemical structure similar to cholesterol. When present in our diet in sufficient quantities, they reduce blood cholesterol levels and increase the response of our immune system to the risk of certain cancers.

- Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds is an excellent protection against the formation of kidney stones and urinary tract infections / including cystitis /.

- Pumpkin seed oil has a mild laxative and strong choleretic effect. It is used for cirrhosis and frequent alcohol consumption.

- Pumpkin seed oil is very useful for dry nasal mucosa and dry cough. It is also recommended in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, stomatitis, periodontitis and even cataracts.

- The oil helps with unpleasant skin manifestations such as dermatitis, burns, psoriasis and eczema.

- Pumpkin seeds are often consumed by people who are vegetarians, as they are rich in such important animal fats. The most useful are the seeds that have not been heat treated.

- They are useful for the body at the cellular level and improve the condition of the heart muscle.

- Often pumpkin seed oil is used in the treatment of intestinal disorders.

- Pumpkin seeds are very useful for the reproductive system of men and women, normalizing the level of sex hormones. They are a wonderful prophylactic against neoplasms of the cervix and prostate. They have a positive effect on the quality of sperm and eggs.

- Strengthens the immune system, so it is recommended to include this product in your menu during the autumn-spring period, when the incidence of respiratory diseases increases.

- Zinc in the composition of pumpkin seeds has a positive effect on hair, skin and nails. That is why pumpkin oil is often added to masks.

- Pumpkin seeds help to normalize blood pressure and lower sugar levels.

- They have a positive effect on the digestive tract and are recommended for chronic constipation.

- Pumpkin seeds are extremely useful as a prophylactic against parasites, including worms. The reason for this is that they contain the substance cucurbitine, which has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of worms. The good news is that pumpkin seeds do not irritate the lining of the stomach and are not toxic. To get rid of worms, you just need to take 60-70 grams of pumpkin seeds every morning on an empty stomach with a little water for about 3-5 days. It is important, however, to consult a specialist in this case, and not to engage in self-medication without a medical examination.

- They are extremely useful for postmenopausal women, as the seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, which effectively fight depression during this period.

Can pumpkin seeds be consumed during lactation and pregnancy?

Yes, even expectant mothers can safely include pumpkin seeds in their menu. They are not only useful, but also help with toxicosis, which affects about 85% of pregnant women. They are also very useful for constipation, which is again a common problem for expectant mothers. However, it is important for breastfeeding women to be quite guilty, because pumpkin seeds are quite a strong allergen, so it is good to reduce their portion in the beginning.

What are the benefits of sprouted pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seed
Pumpkin seed

They are rich in vitamins that are very important for the body and even when they germinate, then their benefits increase many times over. Complex carbohydrates and proteins have been shown to become easily digestible during germination. At the same time, the amount of fiber and vitamins increases significantly.

In order for the seeds to germinate, they must first be well dried and then placed on a damp cotton, for example in a convenient container covered with a damp cloth. Periodically, the cotton is moistened so that it does not dry out, and after about a week the pumpkin seeds will begin to germinate.

Contraindications to the consumption of pumpkin seeds

Gastroenterologists do not recommend pumpkin seeds for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as various forms of intestinal obstruction. It is not good to consume even in case of individual intolerance.

It is important to know that excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds can cause joint problems.

This product also has a negative effect on teeth and enamel if taken in large quantities.

If you have digestive problems, you should pre-clean the seeds so as not to irritate the mucous membranes.

And now move on to our delicious suggestions for pumpkin pie or crispy pumpkin pie.
