Recommended Daily Intake Of Goji Berry

Recommended Daily Intake Of Goji Berry
Recommended Daily Intake Of Goji Berry

Goji berry is a highly valued plant used in traditional Chinese medicine. The first records of it date back to 5000 BC, when it was grown in the Tibetan Himalayas and northern China.

Fresh goji berries are usually only available in the areas where they are grown. Dried fruits of it are available on the markets, mostly in the United States, and for several years in our country. They have a much higher sugar content than other dried fruits.

Goji berries have a sweet taste, and their fine structure allows them to be picked only by hand. Goji berries are eaten raw, but can also be taken in the form of juice and even wine, brewed as a tea or prepared as a tincture.

They are also a suitable addition to muesli, oatmeal, yogurt, soups, salads, pastries, creams, biscuits or semolina desserts.

The daily and healthy dose of goji berry per day is 30 g. With this seemingly minimal amount, this unique fruit gives our body more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots and more iron than a portion of red meat.

Goji berries
Goji berries

There are 82 calories in 100 g of goji berry. Goji berries contain twenty-one grams of sugar and three grams of dietary fiber. This provides 8% of the daily value for carbohydrates and 12 percent of the daily value for fiber.

A serving of fruit contains 1 gram of protein or 2 percent of the daily value for protein. It contains 1.6 grams of fat, ie. - 3% of the daily value for fat. This fat content consists entirely of unsaturated fats.

Each intake of goji berry brings the body 12 mg of iron per serving, which is 67 percent of the daily value for iron. It also contains 20 mg of vitamin C or 33% of the daily value for vitamin C.

The content of vitamin A is 5.7% of the daily value for vitamin A, while the content of calcium in a portion of goji berries is 8 mg, or 0.8% of the daily value for calcium. Copper, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, zinc, selenium and no cholesterol are also found in goji berries.
