Nutrition In Iron Deficiency Anemia

Nutrition In Iron Deficiency Anemia
Nutrition In Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is an easy to diagnose condition. Complaints are characteristic, the mucous membranes and skin become pale yellow, and the rashes on the corners of the lips suggest a possible reduction in red blood cells.

The diagnosis is made after a laboratory blood test to confirm or rule out the suspicion. In order to confirm that the anemia is due to iron deficiency, it is necessary to do additional research.

The treatment of iron deficiency anemia has two main points. In the first place is the etiological treatment, the aim of which is to determine the cause of the reduced concentration of iron in the blood and especially the search for bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. The second is the pathogenetic treatment, which is expressed in the replacement therapy with iron-containing preparations against the background of a complete diet.

Nutrition in iron deficiency anemia
Nutrition in iron deficiency anemia

An important point in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia is the diet. To determine it, your doctor must determine the causes of anemia: frequent blood loss, indigestion (gastritis, ulcer), disturbances in the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and hemoglobin, any other disease that has led to symptomatic anemia..

Whatever the changes in the stomach and digestive enzymes, they make a big contribution to the absorption of iron from food. A consultation with a gastroenterologist and, if necessary, a hematologist is required. If certain problems are found in the stomach, the food you eat will be limited once again.

In general, in this condition it is good to eat foods rich in iron. Of course, after the research, it will be assessed whether they are suitable for your individual case.

Nutrition in iron deficiency anemia
Nutrition in iron deficiency anemia

Foods with the highest iron content are liver and lungs, figs, olives, ripe beans, green parsley, eggplant, lentils, pumpkin seeds, dried fruits (grapes, apricots, plums, spleen and brain).

100 g of each of these products contains up to 6 mg of iron. Slightly lower, but still high, are the levels of iron in cornflowers, almonds, sunflower seeds, venison, rabbit, turkey, goose, sorrel, lettuce, cherries, sesame and dried figs.

Up to 2-3 mg per 100 g can be found in dried pears, peanuts, tahini halva, rye flour, pork and beef, green garlic and onions, fresh cucumbers, black radish, apples, cauliflower, pumpkin and walnuts.

Minimal, but still available, are the levels of iron in green beans, fresh potatoes, cherries, beef and lamb, milk, cheese, cheese, mackerel and bonito, radishes, white cabbage, red beets and more.
